Guided Tours

The development of Finnish technology and industry has been special when compared to the wider world, even though it has of course been affected by global phenomena. This uniqueness is something that can still be seen in our everyday life

When you want to add a little something extra to your visit, is booking a guided tour an excellent choice. Our tours open up new perspectives to the exhibitions, deepen the understanding of their history and invite you to question and ponder over what technology can offer. There are free tours organized at the museum, the time of which is announced at the events section of our website. In addition, we organize tours made specifically for kindergarten and school groups. It is also possible to book a private tour for your own group, customized to match your interests.

Below you can look through the tours offered by the museum. Once you have found the one that best suits your needs, you can book it directly through our website!

Finland, a TechLand -tour

Suomen tekniikan ja teollisuuden kehitys on maailman mittakaavassa ollut erityislaatuista, vaikka siihen ovat vaikuttaneet koko maailmaa koskettavat globaalit ilmiöt. Tuo tekniikan ainutlaatuinen kehitys näkyy edelleen joka päivä omassa arjessamme.

The development of Finnish technology and industry has been special when compared to the wider world, even though it has of course been affected by global phenomena. This uniqueness is something that can still be seen in our everyday life. In the Finland, a TechLand –tour we explore these developmental paths though practical examples, stories and our own thoughts on them. This tour can also be customized to match a groups preference by choosing two focus areas from the following:

  • Information technology
  • Recycling and the environment
  • Technology at homes
  • Robotics
  • Electrical engineering
  • Inventors, product development and innovation
  • Plain language and demonstration

If no focus areas are chosen when booking, the guide will choose the additional themes independently. Using these focus areas the tour will delve into the history of Finnish technology from the past hundred years, teach about the development of communication technology and its infrastructure as well as discuss the forces behind Finland’s technical development.

Duration: 45 min
Price: €90 (plus admission €6/person or museum card)
Group size: 1–25 people

From Morse Code to Social Media -tour

Viestintäteknologian historia on unelmoinnin, ennustusten ja koko ihmiskunnan historiaa. Joskus ennustukset ovat onnistuneet todella kuvaamaan tulevaa, toisinaan taas odotukset eivät ole tulleet todeksi – esimerkiksi internetiä pidettiin aikanaan vain ohimenevänä ilmiönä, ja laitteiden liikuteltavuus tuntui mahdottomuudelta. Nämä unelmat ja ennustukset ovat kuitenkin määrittäneet käyttäytymistämme ja jokapäiväistä toimintaamme aina kielestämme olohuoneisiimme asti.

The history of communication technology is a story about the human dream to interact with loved ones regardless of distance, to be able to experience far-away events and hear sounds and voices from foreign countries in real time. Some of the wildest technological dreams of the past are now part of our everyday life. However, some of the dreams and predictions of the past have not come true. With the help of objects and examples, this tour offers perspectives on the key inventions of the modern-day information society as well as discusses the technological innovations transcending time and place.

The From Morse Code to Social Media -tour focuses on our Teledreams exhibition revealing why we still talk about “connecting calls” and what funeral services have to do with the development of communication. This tour can also be customized to match a groups preference by choosing two focus areas from the following:

  • Various innovators
  • Change in communication technology
  • Development of telephone technology
  • A mobile lifestyle
  • DYI – technology
  • TV, radio and film
  • Plain language and demonstration

If no focus areas are chosen when booking, the guide will choose the additional themes independently.

Duration: 45 min
Price: €90 (plus admission €6/person or museum card)
Group size: 1–25 people

Utopia or Dystopia: Robotics, Ethics and Artificial Intelligence -tour

Robotiikka ja tekoäly helpottavat arkeamme, mutta niihin liittyy myös paljon kysymysmerkkejä. Voimme esimerkiksi määrittää koneen oppimaan antamatta sille tarkkoja algoritmeja, jolloin se tähtää itsenäisesti kohti haluttua lopputulosta.

We live in the age of artificial intelligence and robotics. Our navigator can evaluate which route to the desired end point works best, taking into account other traffic and weather conditions. Social media face filters use machine learning to track our facial movements. Robots are designed to accompany residents in nursing homes. Artificial intelligence is able to process patients’ examination results in hospitals and look for cancers and other abnormalities. Our smartphones instantly convert our speech into text, and our virtual assistants can order groceries online with one command.

Robotics and artificial intelligence make our everyday lives easier, but there are also many question marks associated with them. For example, we can already configure a machine to learn without giving it precise algorithms, so that it aims independently towards the desired end result. However, at what point do we give machines too much power over decisions? Is a machine able to feel or understand the nuances that come with being human?

Questions related to robotics and artificial intelligence concern our everyday life. For example, is art produced by artificial intelligence real art? Can a robot truly replace the closeness of another person? How should we monitor the development of robotics and avoid its misuse? What does technological unemployment mean?

All of this is discussed on the Utopia or dystopia -tour that includes parts of both TechLand and Teledreams exhibitions. On the tour we explore the possibilities of the future, but also to think more deeply about the ethical questions related to technology.

This tour is also an excellent discussion starter for a company’s development days. If you are interested in adding the tour as part of a company day or event, please contact our event team to receive a customized offer.


Duration: 45 min
Price: €90 (plus admission €6/person or museum card)
Group size: 1–25 people

A Small Group Tour to the Exhibition of Your Choice

Etäunelmia-näyttely kertoo ajan ja paikan ylittämisen historiasta sähköisten viestintävälineiden avulla. Näyttelyssä tutustutaan viestintätekniikan keksintöihin ja niiden taustalla olevaan unelmaan paikasta ja ajasta riippumattomasta yhteydenpidosta.

This tour is specially designed for small groups of no more than ten people who wish for a delve deeper into one of the three main exhibitions. The Ghost and the Invention Machine is a experience designed for 5-9 year old children, inspiring them to ponder the meaning of technology as well as how it has changed. The TechLand exhibition is about the role of technology, industry and industrial innovations as the builders of 100-year-old Finland. This exhibition tells about the impact of technology on everyday life, work and the environment. The past, present and future of technology and industry are all on display. The Teledreams – a connection over time and place – exhibition introduces the inventions of communication technology and the dream behind them of connecting to places and people independently from time and place.

On this small group tour, the guide introduces the exhibitions and answers any questions the group may have. We recommend setting aside time after the guided tour to explore the other exhibitions as well.


Duration: 45 min
Price: €70 (plus admission €6/person or museum card)
Group size: 1–10 people

The Founding of Helsinki -walking tour

Tekniikan museo sijaitsee Kuninkaankartanonsaarella, jonne Kustaa Vaasa perusti vuonna 1550 Helsingin kaupungin sekä oman kuninkaallisen kartanonsa. Kartano toimi kuninkaanvallan hallinnollisena keskuksena, joka muutamassa vuodessa otti paikkansa kaupungin talouden keskuspaikkana.

The Museum of Technology is located on Kuninkaankartanonsaari (King’s manor island), where Kustaa Vaasa founded the city of Helsinki and built his own royal manor in 1550. The manor served as the administrative center of the royal power, and in a few years became the center of the new city’s economy as well.

Over time, the king’s military might was replaced by the developing industry beginning to take place in the area. From 1876 until the end of the 1960s, Finland’s first water plant operated on the island, strongly shaping the island development and environment. Historically significant architecture can still be seen in the area.

The Founding of Helsinki -walking tour focuses on the history of Kuninkaankartanonsaari and the surrounding Old Town area. During the guided tour we delve into the Helsinki of Kustaa Vaasa and how he founded the city, how the area developed after his time as well as the development of the industry in the area then and now. The tour is truly a walk through history as it takes place on the original location of these events.

The walking tour is takes place outdoors, consisting of 1 km of walking in small segments divided by getting to know the historical sites. For this tour it’s recommended to dress according to the weather.  The tour is not fully accessible, but routes can be customized when necessary to take into account any special needs the participants may have (ask for more information when booking).

The tour also well suitable as part of work place development days. If you are interested in adding the tour as part of a company day or event, please contact our event team to receive a customized offer.


Duration: 90 min
Price: €120
Group size:
1–30 people