Energy Hall’s Machinery – 14

Model of a Steam Engine

Siirry edelliseen kohteeseenSiirry seuraavaan kohteeseen

Tämä ja viereinen laite ovat havaintomalleja, joita on käytetty Helsingissä tekniikan alan opetuksen tukena. Mekaanisesti toimivilla malleilla oli mahdollista tutustua toimintaperiaatteisiin ja koneiden kehitykseen ja suunnitteluun käytännönläheisesti. Mallit on valmistettu Saksassa.

This was an educational model from Helsinki’s School of Technology. The mechanically working models provided a hands-on learning experience to the basics of motorized engines. From what we know of the model, it’s associated with Hannes Collan, who started teaching in the 1920s, and the Helsinki School of Technology. Collan taught mechanical engineering as a student, later becoming a lecturer, and finally the long-standing dean of the school.

The engine was manufactured in Germany before becoming a teaching aid device. It served to demonstrate to students a single-cylinder steam engine with two main mechanisms: a simple Trick slide valve (labeled as 2), and a reversing gear (labeled as 3). Both mechanisms are patents invented to improve steam engine technology, and were developed in the late 19th century.