Energy Hall’s Machinery – 2

Dynamo and Steam Engine

Siirry edelliseen kohteeseenSiirry seuraavaan kohteeseen

Höyrykone ja dynamo valmistettiin 1800-luvun lopulla Suomessa. Höyrykone on turkulaisen Vulcan Ab:n ja dynamo helsinkiläisen Ab Gottfr. Strömberg Oy:n valmistama.


The steam engine and dynamo units were manufactured in Finland in the late 19th century. The dynamo, manufactured by Vulcan Oy in Turku, and the engine, by Stromberg Oy in Helsinki, together formed a power engine.

The engine converted rotational energy into electricity, and the belt connects the two components together, rotating the dynamo when the steam engine was powered up. The machines were in use at the Imatra State Hotel, where they were used as back-up lighting equipment. Imatra was a popular tourist destination in the late 19th century, with tourists (particularly from St.Petersburg and Vyborg) visiting to admire the river rapids. In the late 19th century, the hotel building burned down and eventually was replaced by an Art Nouveau-style castle in 1903.